Fremont Cultural Arts Council

This story about the Fremont Cultural Arts Council was first broadcast during the live Ohlone Tri-City News program on May 10, 2023.

Anna Garcia, Reporter
Vincent Torres, Photographer


ANCHOR: A non-profit organization focuses on furthering the practice and enjoyment of fine arts in Fremont. Here’s Anna with the story.
REPORTER: The Fremont Cultural Arts Council was formed by historical efforts to help advocate for cultural arts in the surrounding community.
Al Minard, Regional Arts and History: FCAC promotes the arts and the culture of Fremont and environments, but mostly here in Fremont.
Julie Gilson, President of FCAC: With support from city of Fremont founding fathers, and they were founding fathers at that time, along with very supportive spouses. They formed this nonprofit organization to promote the arts in Fremont and to raise funds and lobby for a performing arts center in Fremont.
REPORTER: The organization is run by inspired and passionate volunteers who want to support and serve as a collective voice in matters of public policy affecting cultural arts and give back to the community.
Al Minard, Regional Arts and History: We don’t have an event center. We don’t. Most of the time, we don’t sponsor enough of the cultural and art activities that are going on in Fremont at the city level. And so any kind of promotion you can to promote this is a good thing.
Arathi Satish, Publicity and PR: I used to be a regular writer for our local newspaper, Tri-City Voice, and I used to review many art exhibits in various places like Olive Hyde Art Gallery and Fremont Cultural Art Council events. And over a period of time, I realized it was time to give back to the community and FCAC provided me with a great platform to do that.
Connie Chew, Vice President of FCAC: Fremont Cultural Arts Council felt like a good place for me, a good home for me to join and just be involved in other aspects like today’s writing contest and other things like photo contests that we have also once a year and just be involved in in the city and the Tri-City.
REPORTER: The FCAC promotes community-building cultural art activities that helps local artists showcase their skills and work.
Arathi Satish, Publicity and PR: Flash Fiction is a very interesting event because it gives local writers an opportunity to write. And also, it helps them to have their work published in the local newspaper.
Al Minard, Regional Arts and History: I run it. I get to choose what the theme is every year and I get to read all the stories. And so, then I have a lot of fun reading the stories.
Connie Chew, Vice President of FCAC: I also love the photo contest that we have and our photos right now or recently, we had a contest and it’s being exhibited at the Fremont Library.
REPORTER: The Fremont Cultural Arts Council produces its own events and offers sponsorship and assistance to other local art organizations.
Arathi Satish, Publicity and PR: We conduct various events. For example, we conduct arts and crafts in Shinn Park where local artists can come and display their artwork, they can sell their artwork.
Julie Gilson, President of FCAC: We work to cross-promote. We try to work as a networking linking organization to link up artists who might have mutual reason to collaborate.
Connie Chew, Vice President of FCAC: We help a lot of other Fremont art organizations as well, and like the gallery, we get involved. We have interns now, but for a few years, and they also help different art organizations in the area where they go out and help on their events, but they help on our events.
Arathi Satish, Publicity and PR: And we have events like Las Posadas, which is held in front of the Mission San Jose Church, where all the communities come together to celebrate the nine days of journey that Mary and Joseph took.
REPORTER: The FCAC encourages community and civic efforts to help create performing art facilities and public art installations.
Al Minard, Regional Arts and History: We have no event center. We have no dedicated large area for art program other than Olive Hyde, which is a tiny place, only about half the size of Half Price Books. And so, we are being strangled by our city and not having enough venues for the arts and culture in Fremont.
Arathi Satish, Publicity and PR: I would definitely like more people to participate and take part in the events so that, you know, it is an opportunity for them to display their artwork or their writing skills just to take part in different community events.
REPORTER: The all-volunteer organization helps promote the public image of Fremont as a balanced community as it strives to provide benefits and opportunities for arts and culture in the community.
Al Minard, Regional Arts and History: It’s a wonderful organization. A great opportunity to volunteer for a lot of cultural and artistic events.
Julie Gilson, President of FCAC: We’re always looking for volunteers. In fact, we’re registered through Handshake with Ohlone College as an employer for internships, and we would be very, very glad to partner with an online college student.
Arathi Satish, Publicity and PR: I hope more people volunteer, more people come and sit on our board and, you know, take part in the community events and also give back to our community.
REPORTER: To become a volunteer or learn more about the Fremont Cultural Arts Council, visit their website by going to Fremont Cultural Arts Council dot org. This is Anna Garcia for Ohlone Tri-City News.