League of Volunteers

This story about the League of Volunteers was first broadcast during the live Ohlone Tri-City News program on December 7, 2022.

Rebecca Twyman, Reporter
Brandon Tran, Photographer

Rebecca Twyman (V.O.)
For over 40 years, the League of volunteers in Newark is a nonprofit that has been tirelessly striving to improve the community of the tri City area.
Greg Harris, Facilities Manager
We’re about promoting volunteerism in the community,
Jerry Juhl, Board of Directors Member
We do the best we can we help the needy.
Jodie Aquino-Sisk, Current Director
They help where they can. And you know, we do have certain programs where we do go year round-the adopt a family, Thanksgiving.
Donna Sick, Former Director
Where there’s a need in the community, we try to fill it with volunteers to bring that you know, fill the gap,
Sister Aquino, Employee
They really focus on trying to help people feel human and to not feel like they’re just some person that you know, that doesn’t, you know, they are just trying to give them the bare minimum, like they really try to help people to feel like they deserve to be loved. And I think that’s what’s really amazing about their thought processes and how they, they work to help other people.
Rebecca Twyman (V.O.)
Over the years they have developed, many programs do the best they can to help the community. Some of the events they host are there year round emergency food pantry, annual toy drives, Thanksgiving meals, art programs in schools, scholarships, and several free services and events to help those in need every year.
Sister Aquino, Employee
You hear about different programs that they have, like they just did something for Thanksgiving.
Jerry Juhl
We have a food bank program, where we offer a box of food of 25 items, non perishables that they can pick up once a month.
Donna Sick, Former Director
Used to do a lunch program. And then we now we provide snacks in the morning, because some of the kids come in the morning, they haven’t eaten anything yet.

Rebecca Twyman
But that’s not all they do. Every year, they help vulnerable families who are experiencing difficult times and help make their holidays magical.
Jodie Aquino-Sisk, Current Director
So we have the Adopt a family, which people can go to the website and sign up to either be adopted or to adopt a family like to actually sponsor a family. And so they would go online and it’s family who’s signed up and given their information. You can they could say like, “Hey, I’d like to adopt this family.” And then they would go through their wish list and bring all their gifts. And I believe they’re going to have them here by the 20th. And then those gifts will be given to the families.
Donna Sick, Former Director
So our adopt a family program does very well, our adopters. A lot of times if they have a tree on their wish list, they’ll give them an artificial tree and all the lights and they have a wish list that they can pick from for the kids and adopt them out.
Jodie Aquino-Sisk, Current Director
And so if the families are not adopted, we get the families together, we find out the ages of their kids and make sure that the kids have a toy and a turkey and some food so they can have a Christmas dinner and have presents under the tree.
Donna Sick, Former Director
And it makes a world of difference. And it’s not about you know a big quantity of toys, it’s just so that they can give something to their kids at Christmas.
Rebecca Twyman (V.O.)
It’s not too late to join the adopt a family events. The League of volunteers are still accepting applications for families to be adopted, and sponsors to help families in need. The last day to adopt is next Monday, December 12. And the adopted families can expect their gifts on or before December 20. They are also accepting donations, especially non perishable food to help continue growing their food pantry.
Jerry Juhl, Board of Directors Member
So we can always use donations, especially food.
Rebecca Twyman (V.O.)
They accept a wide range of donations, such as non perishable foods, clothes, toys, and many other contributions. However, time can be even more invaluable. To maintain their work for the community. They need volunteers to continue making a difference. They have many events, projects and services to serve their community throughout the year.
Jodie Aquino-Sisk, Current Director
So if you go to their website, and you click on the volunteer button, you can sign up and and there’s definitely places where you can volunteer, I would also like to get more younger volunteers to come in and have them come in because we do have a lot of older volunteers that maybe can’t help as much or, you know, they’re, they’re very passionate about it, but they can’t move around as well. And so if we got some younger volunteers with the same passion, and we can keep this organization going
Donna Sick, Former Director
We run with a great group of volunteers, we have probably two to three hundred very active volunteers.
Jodie Aquino-Sisk, Current Director
I want it to be that place where volunteers want to come and hang out and do things and they want to be around each other not because they have to because it’s because they want to.
Rebecca Twyman (V.O.)
To join the adopt a family events, give donations or volunteer you can visit lov.org On the website, you can learn more about the League of volunteers and how you can donate your resources to a good cause.
Sister Aquino, Employee
I think it just neat having organizations like League of volunteers because a lot of times you think that human nature is to turn inward and to focus on ourselves. But League of volunteers is, as well as other charitable organizations, they help us to just turn outward and focus on the needs of others.
Donna Sick, Former Director
I feel like everybody should give back in you know, your family, of course comes first and then your community.
Greg Harris, Facilities Manager
Come on down volunteer, right. It’s always a good time. And it’s always fun to help
Jerry Juhl, Board of Directors Member
And we do our best.
Jodie Aquino-Sisk, Current Director
I’m in a position right now where I can help and I would love to help
Rebecca Twyman (V.O.)
I’m Rebecca Twyman reporting for Ohlone Tri City News