Theater Department

This story about the Ohlone College Theater Department was first broadcast on October 19, 2022 as part of the live Ohlone Tri-City News program.

Reporter: Brandon Tran
Photographer: Rebecca Twyman

Many aspects of Theater training include breath control, memorization, and even athletic fitness. Students studying theater often come out of it learning skills they take into the real world, actor or not.
GLENDA RIVERA, Early Childhood Studies Major
Being able to speak in public spaces, like on stage. A lot of my core, just, belief in myself.
CHRIS WARDEN, Dean of Kinesiology, Athletics, and Arts
The one thing that I appreciated with the theater in my younger years, I got to learn how to work with a lot of different kinds of people, types of people, and that’s helped me throughout my growth as a professional.
ZION WHEATON, Mechanical Engineering Major
I mean, acting really is just the study of being human. So being able to really connect with other people and communicate clearly has been extremely- it’s invaluable in every walk of life.
CALEB SZABO, Game Design Major
Like I grew up very shy and at a certain point I kind of was able to break from it and I thought I fully broke from it. But then I took the acting and realized I really hadn’t. And recently I feel a lot more like I can kind of do I can be me and not need to, like, hold back anything,
In September the Ohlone College Theatre Department has resumed offering many classes in the performing arts on stage and in front of the camera.
CALEB SZABO, Game Design Major
We always wanted to do an acting class. Why not? Let’s jump on into it. And we did. And it kind of fueled all of us there. In our own way a little spark of like, I really like theater.
ZION WHEATON, Mechanical Engineering Major
What drew me here was I met a friend and it was just like the first day of classes. And they happened to mention that they were going to an improv class here. And I was like ‘Oh improv! That sounds like a lot of fun
CHRIS WARDEN, Dean of Kinesiology, Athletics, and Arts
Lots of times it’s just to check off a GE requirement and then they just fall in love with it. Some are coming in from high school experiences and they want to continue that same kind of theater or drama or arts in general.
Students in the Theatre department get lots of opportunities to put their skills to the test.
CHRIS WARDEN, Dean of Kinesiology, Athletics, and Arts
They get to have new opportunities and get to see what they may appreciate. Art appreciation, music appreciation, theater appreciation, of course, are all things that we want to have as an individual as we get older, right, as we go through life
We collaborate on so many different projects throughout the season. So were a theater and dance department and we have a great tech team. We’re doing show after show, whether it’s theater or dance and then musicals and so on, and we just have a nice flow because we’ve gotten to really learn each other and work together
But it isn’t just classes and homework here in the department. Student’s outside of class find themselves a part of a close knit and open community.
ZION WHEATON, Mechanical Engineering Major
I’ve had nothing but positive experiences here so far so I hope other people can come and share that with me.
CALEB SZABO, Game Design Major
Everyone is very supportive. It’s very much if you make a mistake, no one’s going to point out your flaw. And if they do, it’s more so in a productive like and here’s how we can fix it sort of thing as opposed to like, you did this wrong and you need to fix this, you know?
In the Spring students can act and direct in short plays and skits in the annual Student Repertory class. students who want to take part in a bigger production can join the department’s Fall play. This year, Ohlone college is putting on a production of Nick Deere’s Frankenstein.
I’m very proud of the productions that we’ve been able to do over the years.
GLENDA RIVERA, Early Childhood Studies Major
A wonderful department. Everyone should try because you learn so much from yourself about others and about what theater means to you.
ZION WHEATON, Mechanical Engineering Major
I was a mechanical engineering major and I am switching to have a theater major.
CALEB SZABO, Game Design Major
I’d say if anyone watching has even a little bit of interest, just jump on into it like it’s very a leap of faith. But once you get in it, you’ll know really, really quickly whether it’s something you like or not.
If YOU want to learn more about how you can join the Theatre Department, please go to to learn more.
This is Brandon Tran, reporting for Ohlone Tri-City News, signing off.